Why Are Attention Metrics Making Waves?

March 25, 2024
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    In recent news, attention metrics are becoming increasingly more prominent. Attention metrics are a method of tracking data, which pay a particularly close eye to the specifics of what content people are absorbing. While there are other ways to measure content data, attention metrics are unique, as the use of such metrics tracks not only what people are watching, but why they are watching certain content, as well as how long. As attention metrics appear to see increased usage, it is important to have a firm knowledge of why this sort of data may begin to become more and more relied upon.

    To further explain their importance, it’s essential to elaborate on where they come into play. Content targeting can help track what people are watching, but seemingly lacks the substance that attention metrics could provide. Attention can change at the drop of a hat, so it could be of use to know how long people spend watching certain content, rather than knowing that they merely came across such content. It is important for companies to know that once a campaign is out there, it is not only seen, but noticed and interacted with. Anyone can spot a campaign, however attention metrics help establish what makes a campaign worthwhile. 

    There has been more and more research done on the benefits of attention metrics, as researchers are attempting to establish a set idea regarding their use. As of August 2023, EMarketer assesses that, “Over a third (36%) of US buy-side ad decision-makers,” have shifted their focus to attention metrics in the new year. A reason for this could be that attention metrics show data through the complex, rapid-fire, content that is produced today while measuring clicks and engagement. 

    Although not everyone is aware of the benefits of attention metrics,  it certainly seems like time to at least shift some focus to them as a potential tool to increase engagement and ROI. With the use of this data, advertisers can now see what makes people stick around when watching content, allowing them to hone in on what catches their attention. Comprehensive metrics to quantify attention data’s success is still trickling out, but there is certainly enough to deem attention metrics a reliable and useful tool for ad campaigns at this point. How these metrics can be optimized is yet to be determined, but nonetheless, it appears that a unique form of data is ramping up to make waves indeed.

    The use of attention data can help to fill the holes that content targeting cannot, and with the two combined, it may soon be a no-brainer for marketers to use when tracking content.